ACE’s Objectives

Arts & Cultural Exchange (ACE)’s object is to pursue the following charitable purpose(s):


  • Work with Western Sydney’s First Nations communities and provide them with culturally appropriate opportunities to pursue artistic and cultural training and employment and platforms on which to tell their stories.


  • Work with Western Sydney’s most vulnerable / disengaged young people and provide them with opportunities to confidently pursue creative training and further education, employment and to become skilled creatives and cultural producers.


  • Provide a unique model of disability sector creative engagement that sees isolated, marginalised, economically disadvantaged musicians as cultural producers and fosters creativity and assists in the personal development and emotional health of musicians on the autism spectrum through collaborations with high profile musicians, visual artists and industry leaders.


  • Facilitate creativity, innovation and digital engagement to build and nurture the social and economic independence, employment opportunities and confidence of Western Sydney’s isolated, marginalised and economically disadvantaged multicultural women from recently arrived refugees, asylum seekers, migrant families and other under-represented communities with the aim of reducing isolation, discrimination, social and creative exclusion and social disadvantage.


  • Provide pathways into the film and TV industry for Western Sydney’s early career screen practitioners from First Nations, Torres Strait Islands, LBGTQI+, disability and other under-represented communities.




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