Our Supporters

Her Excellency, the Honourable Governor General and Commander-in-Chief, Sam Mostyn AC with ACE's team

We would like to thank our

Generous Supporters

We would like to thank our generous supporters for their valuable contributions.

We are deeply grateful to our supporters, your generosity makes our work possible.

Your commitment to arts and culture fuels our mission to amplify underrepresented voices.

Each contribution, big or small, plays a crucial role in our ability to drive change, foster creativity, and facilitate artistic and economic sustainability amongst Western Sydney’s creatives. Together, we celebrate our shared achievements and look forward to continuing this journey toward a more inclusive and vibrant reality.

Do you want to speak to someone about supporting ACE? We would love to talk with you, please call us at 02 9897 5744 or email [email protected]

Our Supporters

We would like to thank our partners for their valuable support

Government Partners

Trusts & Foundations

Operational Partners


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